Directorate of
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
SRM University, AP
“Our mind is a limitless sky and we can only be an albatross flying in the vast expanse to occasionally discover the joys of sublimity!”
– Avijeet Das
Following the spirit of that statement, Directorate of Entrepreneurship and Innovation of SRM University-AP, presents you with a sky full of opportunities, waiting for you to grab the stars.

E-CELL is a student community which is empowering and enabling the future leaders of tomorrow. Our Mission is to inspire the student entrepreneurs to unleash the seed of passion and dream which is already within us and to bring the SRM Group as a benchmark for the rest of the country for nurturing and inspiring student entrepreneurs.

With Designocrats, Learn and follow a systematic innovation process that serves as a toolbox for stimulating creativity and methodology for defining and solving problems. This process involves applying concepts of design thinking and hypothesis-driven innovation (popularized by the term lean startup) to design and test.