Dive Deep into the Endless Ocean of Opportunities
with us...
At the Directorate of Entrepreneurship we create synergy with the three most important stakeholder of the progressive society - the Government, the Industry and the Academia. We create, engage and empower student communities to work actively with all the stakeholders to realize the greater vision of our country - Atmanirbhar Bharat!
​The prime focus is to develop the leadership, innovation and entrepreneurial skills of the student who can eventually function independently.
At the Directorate of Entrepreneurship, we work to develop the capacities of the student to make him/ er worthy of opportunities and can walk through it with the support system and resources like seed funding, mentoring, networking with other entrepreneurs, frequent interactive sessions and competitions and the list goes on.
The best part is that, we go beyond the campus and create impact, as we are guided by the philosophy that, growth and development can be possible collectively as a society and not in personal silos or campus silos. Therefore, we go out to the society and other campuses and help other Entrepreneurship Cells and student communities with the required knowledge transfer and support to create the synergistic effect and impact.